Beautiful Writers Podcast

Geneen Roth & Martha Beck: Messy & Magnificent

Linda Sivertsen

Martha Beck guest co-hosts in this radical conversation with legendary author Geneen Roth, which aired on Easter Sunday, 2018. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, imagine this. Chocolate eggs. Jelly Beans. Ham. A little Hawaiian bread with your butter. Or, a LOT of Hawaiian bread with your butter… plus gravy. I mean you’ve tried that, right? Gravybutter? Good God. My point: do you ever wish you could finally attain peace over your weight and what you eat?

This episode won’t be sending the food police to your door—no worries!—but it may bring some much-prayed-for relief. I know it has for me, as you’ll hear. These women—Geneen and Martha—are walking, talking, living proof of the magic of transformation, in a wildly abundant and crazy fun kind of way.

The three of us have what just might be the radical conversation you’ve been wanting. Because let’s face it; everything you thought was going to fix things hasn’t so far. Perfect timing, I figured, for a holiday about mercy and freedom and rising and angels. Ya?

I heard of Geneen’s work years ago, back when book angel Oprah Winfrey shared her awe of this woman’s writing with the world. Geneen was one of the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight, and body image. And Lord, can she write. Her words are poetic. Hypnotic. Delicious, all on their own. Food for thought and the soul.

As the author of TEN titles, including the just-released THIS MESSY MAGNIFICENT LIFE (Scribner), and The New York Times bestsellers When Food Is Love; Women Food and God, and Lost and Found (about losing all of her money to Bernie Madoff)—Geneen is PROLIFIC. With lots to say about healthy ways to get our books completed, and how to live peacefully as a writer, teacher, and sane citizen in an insane world.

Bestselling author Martha—who is in her 17th year as an O, The Oprah Magazine columnist (can you imagine making all those deadlines?!)—is pretty smart about that stuff, too. Can I get an Amen?

I know you’re going to love Geneen as much as I do. One of her superpowers, for the past 30+ years, is helping people find freedom at her weight, food, and money retreats and seminars. Rather than pushing away the “crazy” things we do, Geneen’s work proceeds with the conviction that our actions and beliefs make exquisite sense. The way to transform our relationship with food, our body, and so much more, is to be open, curious, and kind with ourselves—instead of punishing, impatient and harsh. Ahhhh. Told ya. Church. Even when you find yourself eye to eye with that chocolate bunny with the big ears. Especially so.

Linda xx
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